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Southern Sporting - September General Meeting

  • 02/09/2025
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Club Menai, Allison Cres, Menai

Monthly meetings are held in the function rooms of Club Menai on the first Tuesday of each month between February and December at 8.00pm. 

The only exception is in November, when the meeting will be held on the first Thursday to avoid Melbourne Cup.

Check with the front desk at the Club for our allocated function room. 

Prior to the meeting some members come early and have a bite to eat  in the Club's Terrace Bistro - normally from around 6.45-7pm. Come along and have a chat. To find us, just look out for the club shirts. 

Southern Sporting Car Club Inc.
PO Box 598, Sutherland NSW 1499