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Contact us

President: John Walker

Vice President: David Livian

Treasurer: Gavin Crank

Secretary: Samantha Curry

General Committee: Dennis Walker

Michael Degnan

Warren Degnan

Greg Boyle

Brad Bassett


Point Score John Walker

Magazine Editor David Livian

Memberships Samantha Curry

Website & Social Media Brad Bassett

Sports Committee John Walker, Brad Bassett

CAMS Delegate Warren Degnan

Eligibility Officer Warren Degnan, Michael Degnan

Club Merchandise - -

Property Officer John Walker

CVS/HVS Registrar Geoff Stockley

CMC Delegate David Livian

General Member Meetings

Held on the first Tuesday* of the month from Feb to Dec  at 8pm

(*except in November when its the first Wednesday) at Club Menai

Southern Sporting Car Club Inc.
PO Box 598, Sutherland NSW 1499