FIAT Club of NSW Inc. Would like to invite you to their next motorkhana on 25th February 2024 at Ansell Park please note cost for entry has changed
Hello all, As our next motorkhana is approaching fast so get your entry form in. Junior clinic: the junior clinic has no cars available due to the floods. It may arranged for a setup to hold a clinic on our second paddock if parents are happy to bring and be passengers in cars, or allow our instructor to passenger with the junior in the juniors car. COME AND TRY licences available on the day for $25 Don't forget about the early bird discount which has been introduced for entry forms that are sent in by email (save as spreadsheet format not pdf please) or postage by the Thursday before the event (no need to send money with entry form all money collected on the day). Otherwise the general entry fee can be paid on the day of the event. Entry forms are electronic so just fill out and email back or post your form to:
FIAT motorkhana Entry Form (1).xlsx
fiat mk feb 25th Supplementary Regualtions.pdf
Self Statement of Vehicle Compliance.pdf
Southern Sporting Car Club Inc. PO Box 598, Sutherland NSW 1499Email: